Issuance of Department Authorization to Utilize Additional Confidential Funds of LGUS

Item 4.7 of COA-DBM-DILG-Governance Commission for GOCCs-DND Jint Circular No. 2015-01 dated January 8, 2021 provides that the Secretary of DILG shall approve the request of LGUs for an additional confidential funds in excess of the limitation provided under of the same Joint Circular. 

  • Classification: Highly Technical Transaction
  • Total Processing Time: 18 Working Days
  • Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government
  • Who may Avail?: LGUs (P, C, M)
  • Fees: NONE

Documentary Requirements

Download Citizen’s Charter Service Request Form

  • 1. Duly approved Three-Year Peace and Order and Public Safety Plan
  • 2. Local Peace and Order Council Resolution duly approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership approving the release and use of additional CF
  • 3. Certification from the concerned PNP Chief of the locality relative to the peace and order situation highlighting in concrete details the circumstances which require the urgency in allocating confidential activities
  • 4. Annual and Supplemental Appropriations Ordinance indicating the appropriations for CF
  • 5. Certification from the Local Budget Officer as to the availability of appropriations
  • 6. Statement of itemized POP duly certified by the Local Budget Officer
  • 7. Certification of compliance with the Full Disclosure Policy posting requirement in at least three (3) conspicuous places for the last 2 quarters, duly signed by the DILG Field Office concerned and noted by the DILG Regional Director and attested by the CSO Representative
  • 8. Physical and Financial Plan, for both the original allocation for CF and the subject request, indicating the proposed amount allocated for each program, activity and project