Gender and Development (GAD) Corner

Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines

For Project Development, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

CHR Gender Ombud Guidelines

Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Under the MCW (RA 9710) and Related Laws

GAD Resource Materials

  1. Magna Carta of Women (RA 9710)
  2. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RA 10354) and its IRR of RA 10354
  3. National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children (RA 10398)
  4. A Guide to Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children (RA 9262)
  5. Barangay to the Rescue: Handbook for Handling Cases of Domestic Violence in the Barangay
  6. Barangay VAW Desk Handbook Cebuano
  7. Brochure Republic Act 8353: The Anti-Rape Law of 1997 (Tagalog)
  8. Brochure: Magna Carta of Women (Cebuano)
  9. Brochure: Republic Act 11313 or the Safe Spaces Act (in English)
  10. RA 11596: An Act Prohibiting the Practice of Child Marriage
  11. CHR Gender Ombud Guidelines: Promoting Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Under the MCW (RA 9710) and Related Laws
  12. Flowchart in Handling VAWC Cases
  13. Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System on Violence Against Women at the Local Government Unit Level
  14. How to design projects to end violence against women and girls: a step-by-step guide to take action
  15. Primer on Republic Act 9208 as Amended by Republic Act 10364: Anti-Trafficking In Persons Act
  16. Primer on Republic Act No. 8353: “Anti-Rape Law of 1997” and Republic Act No. 8505 “Rape Victim Assistance and Protection of 1998”
  17. The Philippine Guidelines on the Protection of the Rights of Trafficked Women


1. Annex D-1 (Brgy Level) – JMC 2016-01 – GPB Template

2. Annex E-1 (Brgy Level) – JMC 2016-01 – GAD AR Template

3. Sample Annual GPB for Barangay Level


1. ANNEX-A_Protocols-and-Procedures-in-Handling-VAW-Complaints-from-the-Victim-Survivor

2. ANNEX-B_Protocols-and-Procedures-in-Handling-VAW-Complaints-from-the-Community-Member

3. ANNEX-C_Establishment-of-Referral-System

4. Annex-D_VAW-Intake-Form

5. Annex-E_VAW-Service-Referral-Form

6. ANNEX-F_Feedback-Form

7. Annex-G_VAW-Consent-Form

8. ANNEX-H_Barangay-Protection-Order-Application-Form

9. ANNEX-I_Barangay-Protection-Order

10. ANNEX-J_Directory-Form

PCW IEC Materials

Magna Carta of Women Brochure [Cebuano]

RA 11596: An Act Prohibiting the Practice of Child Marriage

Safe Spaces Act Posters

10 Days Leave for VAWC Victim Survivor