Request for Department Authority to LGUs to Purchase Motor Vehicle

Presidential Administrative Order No. 14, issued on December 10, 2018, entitled, “Consolidating and Rationalizing the Rules on the Acquisition of Government Motor Vehicles, Adopting a Centralized System  of Procurement Therefor, and For other Purposes” states that the National Government adopts a policy of procuring, in the most efficient, and environment-friendly, and at par with improvements and developments in the automotive industry and relevant technology.
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Memorandum Circular 2021-004 dated January 18, 2021, with the subject “Revised Guidelines on Motor Vehicle Acquisition by Local Government Units“, provides emphasis on the streamlining and delegation of authorization of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government.
Kagawaran ng Interyor at Pamahalaang Lokal Memorandum Sirkular 2021-102, dated September 10, 2021 with the subject “Pagbabago sa Ilang Alintuntunin  na Nakapaloob sa DILG Memorandum Sirkular Blg. 2021-004 na may paksang Revised Guidelines on Motor Vehicle Acquisition by Local Government Units” provides additional guidance on the use of 20% Development Fund and the Quality Management System.
Department of budget Management (DBM) Circular No. 2022-1 dated February 11, 2022, with the subject “Omnibus Guidelines on the Acquisition, Use, Rental and a Replacement of Government Motor Vehicles” provides guidance on (1) Allowable engine displacements of motor vehicles that may be purchased by government agencies; (2) Approving authorities for the acquisition of government motor vehicles; and (3) mode of acquisition.”

  • Classification: Highly Technical Transaction
  • Total Processing Time: 13 WD (if RO Approval), 18 WD (if CO Approval)
  • Type of Transaction: G2G – Government to Government
  • Who may Avail? All LGUs
  • Fees to be paid: NONE

Documentary Requirements

  • Accomplished Citizen’s Charter Service Request Form
  • LCE Request-letter
  • Certificate of Availability of Funds from Local Accountant, or the Head of the Accounting Unit,  or in case of his/her absence,  the Local Treasurer or Budget Officer ( with the date of issuance, fund source and the appropriated amount), issued 6 months prior to request of vehicle
  • Certified true copy of an Ordinance approving such purchase (i.e., first two and last pages of the said Ordinance and the page indicating the appropriated amount, per vehicle, to be purchased, and reflecting the name of office the budget was appropriated), and current Sanggunian Resolution on fund utilization in case of trust funds such as, unexpended DRRM fund balances from the previous year(s), and funds transferred/donated to the requesting-LGU from higher-level LGUs, government corporations, etc.;  
  • Updated (current calendar year) inventory/accounting of all existing motor vehicles showing their status/conditions/worthiness (e.g., good, fair, repairable or unserviceable) duly certified by the LGU’s Property/Supply Officer/ Accountable officer. Provided that the same shall not be required if the requesting LGU has already submitted a copy of the same to the concerned DILG office.