Issuance of Full Disclosure Policy (FDP) Compliance Certificate

Full Disclosure Policy is one of the efforts of the Departments that promotes values of transparency and accountability among LGUs. The FDP requires all level of local governments to fully disclose particular financial transaction through posting  in  three conspicuous places and in the Portal. The Certificate of Compliance with the FDP is issues to all requesting eligible LGUs intending to avail loans or to access other national prOgram windows, or for any other purpose. These Certifications shall be issued by DILG Regional and Central  Office  provided that all requirements are met by the requesting LGU.

  • Classification: Highly Technical Transaction
  • Type of Transaction: G2C (Government to Citizen)
  • Who May Avail: all LGUs
  • Total Processing: 18 WD
  • Fees: NONE
  • Documentary Requirements
    • Accomplished Citizen’s Charter Request Form
    • Letter Request of Local Chief Executive stating the purpose
    • FDP CP (Current Period) Certification indicating the compliance for the last 2 preceding quarters with photos posted in 3 conspicuous places and attested by CSO Representative
    • FDP CP (Current Period) monthly report (1 page) with signature of LCE and Field Officer